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06 - Enabling policies and research needs
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- IEA Bioenergy Task 43 (2018) Suitable Land Slots for SRC plantations Multi Criteria Decision Analysis LINK accessed 18/02/2022
- IEA Bioenergy Task 43 (2011) Short Rotation Eucalypt Plantations for Energy in Brazil LINK accessed 18/02/2022
- IEA Bioenergy Task 43 (2011) Switchgrass Production in the USA LINK accessed 18/02/2022
- IEA Bioenergy Task 43 (2013) Short Rotation Coppice with willow in New Zealand LINK accessed 18/02/2022
- IEA Bioenergy Task 43 (2017) Mobilization of Agricultural Residues for Bioenergy and Higher Value Bio-Products: Resources, Barriers and Sustainability LINK accessed 18/02/2022
- Hansson J, Berndes G et al. (2019) Bioenergy and grasslands – Different approaches to addressing biodiversity and their influence on biomass supply potentials. Global Change Biology Bioenergy, 11, 517-538.y LINK
- IEA Bioenergy Task 40 (2018) Transboundary flows of woody biomass waste streams in Europe LINK accessed 18/02/2022
- IEA Bioenergy Task 43 LINK accessed 22/06/2022
- IEA Bioenergy (2019) Governing sustainability in biomass supply chains for the bioeconomy – Summary and conclusions from the IEA Bioenergy workshop, Utrecht (Netherlands), 23 May LINK accessed 18/02/2022
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- Stupak I, Tattersall Smith C et al. (2021) Governing sustainability of bioenergy, biomaterial and bioproduct supply chains from forest and agricultural landscapes. Energy, Sustainability and Society 11,12. LINK
- Hansen AC, Clarke N et al. (2021) Managing sustainability risks of bioenergy in four Nordic countries. Energy, Sustainability and Society 11,20. LINK
- Kittler B, Stupak I et al. (2020) Assessing the wood sourcing practices of the U.S. industrial wood pellet industry supplying European energy demand. Energy, Sustainability and Society 10:23. LINK
- Iriarte L, Fritsche UR (2021) Sustainability governance of bioenergy and the broader bioeconomy LINK accessed 18/02/2022
- Cowie A, Berndes G et al. (2021). Applying a science-based systems perspective to dispel misconceptions about climate effects of forest bioenergy. Global Change Biology-Bioenergy. 13,1210–1231 LINK
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- IEA (2017) Technology Roadmap – Delivering Sustainable Bioenergy LINK accessed 18/02/2022
- IEA (2017) Energy Technology Perspectives 2017 – Catalysing Energy Technology Transformations LINK accessed 18/02/2022
- GBEP Global Bioenergy Partnership (2011)The global bioenergy partnership sustainability indicators for bioenergy- first edition LINK accessed 18/02/2022
- IEA (2017) Energy Technology Perspectives 2017 – Catalysing Energy Technology Transformations LINK accessed 18/02/2022
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- IEA (2017) Technology Roadmap Delivering Sustainable Bioenergy LINK accessed 18/02/2022
- REN 21 Renewables Now (2020) Renewables 2020 global status report, Chapter 2, Policy Landscape LINK accessed 18/02/2022
- REN 21 Renewables Now (2020) Renewables 2020 global status report LINK
- IEA Bioenergy Task 39 (2022 Implementation Agendas: Compare- and-Contrast Transport Biofuels Policies (2019-2021 Update) LINK accessed 22/06/2022
07 - Biomass combustion
- QM Biomass District Heating Plants LINK accessed 18/02/2022
- IEA Bioenergy Task 32 (2018) Bioenergy for heat – the Hot Cases, strategic study on renewable heat LINK accessed 18/02/2022
- IEA Bioenergy (2020) Bioenergy for High Temperature Heat in Industry – Case Study 1: Wood chips combustion for process steam in a potato processing industry LINK accessed 18/02/2022
- IEA Bioenergy (2020) Bioenergy for High Temperature Heat in Industry – Case Study 5: Combustion of wood chips and grain residues for process heat supply in the largest bakery in Switzerland (2021) LINK accessed 22/06/2022
- IEA Bioenergy Task 32 (2019) Best practice report on decentralized biomass fired CHP plants and status of biomass fired small- and micro scale CHP technologies.LINK
- IEA Bioenergy (2018) Biomass pre- treatment for bioenergy Case study 4: The steam explosion process technologyLINK accessed 22/06/2022
- IEA Bioenergy (2019) Fuel treatment of biomass residues in the supply chain for thermal conversion LINK accessed 18/02/2022
- IEA Bioenergy Task 32 (2016) The status of large scale biomass firing The milling and combustion of biomass materials in large pulverised coal boilers LINK accessed 22/06/2022
- European Commission (2015) Science and Policy Reports, Solid and gaseous bioenergy pathways: input values and GHG emissionsLINK accessed 18/02/2022
- IEA Bioenergy, Deployment of bio-CCS: case studiesLINK accessed 22/06/2022
- European Union First call for large-scale projects list of proposals pre-selected for a grantLINK accessed 18/02/2022
- IEA Bioenergy Task 32 (2017) Aerosols from Biomass CombustionLINK accessed 18/02/2022
- Kost C, Fraunhofer ISE (2021) Study: Levelized Cost of Electricity- Renewable Energy TechnologiesLINK accessed 18/02/2022
- IRENA (2021) Report International Renewable Energy Agency “Renewable Power Generation Costs in 2020”LINK accessed 18/02/2022
- IEA Bioenergy Task 32 (2019) Bioenergy The future role of Thermal Biomass Power in renewable energy systems- study of GermanyLINK
08 - Gasification for multiple purposes
- Rosendahl L. (2013). Biomass combustion science, technology and engineering. Elsevier. LINK
- IEA Bioenergy Task 33 (2021) Gasification applications in existing infrastructures for production of sustainable value-added products. LINK accessed 18/02/2022
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- IEA Bioenergy Task 33 (2020) Emerging Gasification Technologies for Waste & Biomass LINK accessed 22/06/2022
- Zhou Y, Swidler D, et al. (2021) Life-Cycle Greenhouse Gas emissions of biomethane and hydrogen pathways in the European Union. White paper. International Council on Clean Transportation. LINK accessed 22/06/2022
- Technische Universität Wien, Institut für Verfahrenstechnik, Umwelttechnik & Technische Biowissenschaften (2020) Reallabor zur Herstellung von Holzdiesel und Holzgas aus Biomasse und biogenen Reststoffen für die Land- und Forstwirtschaft, LINK accessed 22/06/2022
- IEA Bioenergy Task 33 (2018) Gasification for waste for energy carriers. A review. LINK
- IEA Bioenergy Task 33, LINK accessed 22/06/2022
- Technische Universität Wien, Institut für Verfahrenstechnik, Umwelttechnik & Technische Biowissenschaften (2020) Reallabor zur Herstellung von Holzdiesel und Holzgas aus Biomasse und biogenen Reststoffen für die Land- und Forstwirtschaft, LINK accessed 18/02/2022
- Fuchs J, Schmid J et al. (2019) Dual fluidized bed gasification of biomass with selective carbon dioxide removal and limestone as bed material: A review. Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews, 107, 212-231. LINK
- Fuchs, J., Schmid, J. C et al. (2020) The impact of gasification temperature on the process characteristics of sorption enhanced reforming of biomass. Biomass Conversion and Biorefinery, 10(4), 925- 936 LINK
09 - Direct thermochemical liquefaction
- IEA Bioenergy Task 34 LINK accessed 18/02/2022
- IEA Bioenergy Task 34 LINK accessed 18/02/2022
- IEA Bioenergy Task 34 LINK accessed 18/02/2022
- IEA Bioenergy Task 34 (2020) Commercial status of direct thermochemical liquefaction technologies LINK accessed 18/02/2022
- IEA Bioenergy Task 34 LINK accessed 18/02/2022
- IEA Bioenergy Task 34 LINK accessed 18/02/2022
- IEA Bioenergy (2020) Bioenergy for High Temperature Heat in Industry – Case Study 3: Process steam in a dairy factory via fast pyrolysis bio-oil LINK accessed 18/02/2022
- IEA Bioenergy Task 34 (2021) Polar and non-polar components in Fast Pyrolysis Bio-Oil in relation to REACH registration LINK accessed 18/02/2022
- IEA Bioenergy Task 34 LINK accessed 18/02/2022
- IEA Bioenergy Task 34 (2021) Biobased gasoline from sawdust via pyrolysis oil and refinery upgrading LINK accessed 22/06/2022
- NREL National Renewable Energy Laboratory (2015) Process Design and Economics for the Conversion of Lignocellulosic Biomass to Hydrocarbon Fuels Thermochemical Research Pathways with In Situ and Ex Situ Upgrading of Fast Pyrolysis Vapors LINK accessed 18/02/2022
- IEA Bioenergy (2020) Bioenergy for High Temperature Heat in Industry – Case Study 3: Process steam in a dairy factory via fast pyrolysis bio-oil LINK accessed 18/02/2022
- IEA Bioenergy Task 34 LINK accessed 18/02/2022
- IEA Bioenergy Task 34: Round Robin archive LINK accessed 18/02/2022
- IEA Bioenergy Task 34 (2021) Polar and non-polar components in Fast Pyrolysis Bio-Oil in relation to REACH registration LINK
- IEA Bioenergy (2020) Bioenergy for High Temperature Heat in Industry Case Study 3: Process steam in a dairy factory via fast pyrolysis bio-oil LINK accessed 18/02/2022
10 - Biogas production for heat, electricity, renewable gas, and transport
- IEA Bioenergy Task 37 (2009) Biogas upgrading technologies – developments and innovations” LINK accessed 18/02/2022
- IEA Bioenergy Task 37 (2020). Integration of Biogas Systems into the Energy System: Technical aspects of flexible plant operation, LINK accessed 18/02/2022
- Bischofsberger W, Dichtl N et al. Anaerobtechnik, 2nd ed.; Springer: Berlin/Heidelberg, Germany, 2005; pp. 396–417LINK accessed 27/06/2022
- IEA Bioenergy Task 37 (2021) Perspectives on biomethane as a transport fuel within a circular economy, energy, and environmental systemLINK accessed 27/06/2022
- IEA Bioenergy Task 37 (2017) Methane emissions from biogas plants – Methods for measurement, results and effect on greenhouse gas balance of electricity produced LINK accessed 18/02/2022
- IEA Bioenergy (2020) Advanced Biofuels – Potential for Cost Reduction LINK accessed 18/02/2022
- Montgomery L, Bochmann G (2014): Pretreatment of feedstock for enhanced biogas production , 24, IEA BioenergyLINK accessed 18/02/2022
- Drosg B, Fuchs W et al.(2015) Nutrient Recovery by Biogas Digestate Processing, 40, IEA BioenergyLINK accessed 18/02/2022
11 - Transport biofuels
- Horizon 2020 Work Programme 2014- 2015 – General Annexes -Annex G Technology readiness levels (TRL) LINK accessed 18/02/2022
- IEA Bioenergy Task 39 Database on facilities for the production of advanced liquid and gaseous biofuels for transport LINK accessed 18/02/2022
- IEA Bioenergy Task 37 (2021) Perspectives on biomethane as transport fuel within a circular economy, energy, and environmental system LINK accessed 23/06/2022
- IRENA (2021) Innovation Outlook: Renewable Methanol LINK accessed 23/06/2022
- IEA Bioenergy Task 39 (2021) Progress towards biofuels for marine Shipping Status and identification of barriers for utilization of advanced biofuels in the marine sector LINK accessed 18/02/2022
- IMO International Maritime Organization (2020) Interim guidelines for the safety of ships using methyl/ethyl alcohol as fuel LINK accessed 18/02/2022
- ATAG Air Transport Action Group LINK accessed 18/02/2022 IEA Bioenergy (2020) The Role of Renewable Transport Fuels in Decarbonizing Road Transport LINK accessed 18/02/2022
- REN 21 Renewables Now (2020) Renewables 2020 global status report LINK accessed 18/02/2022
- IEA Bioenergy Task 39, LINK accessed 23/06/2022
- Directive (EU) 2018/2001 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 11 December 2018 on the promotion of the use of energy from renewable sources LINK accessed 18/02/2022
- IEA Bioenergy (2020) The Role of Renewable Transport Fuels in Decarbonizing Road Transport LINK accessed 18/02/2022
- IEA Bioenergy Task 39 (2022) Implementation Agendas: Compare-and-Contrast Transport Biofuels Policies (2019-2021 Update) LINK accessed 22/06/2022
- IEA Bioenergy (2020) Advanced Biofuels – Potential for Cost Reduction LINK accessed 18/02/2022
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- IRENA International Renewable Energy Agency (2016) Outlook advanced liquid biofuels LINK accessed 18/02/2022
- IEA (2017) Technology Roadmap Delivering Sustainable Bioenergy LINK accessed 18/02/2022
- ETIP Bioenergy (2018) Strategic research and innovation agenda LINK accessed 18/02/2022
- IRENA International Renewable Energy Agency (2019) ADVANCED BIOFUELS What holds them back?LINK accessed 23/06/2022
- IEA Bioenergy (2017) State of Technology Review – Algae Bioenergy LINK accessed 23/06/2022
- Government of Canada, What is the clean fuel standard? LINK accessed 23/06/2022
- ICAO (2019) Resolution A40-19: Consolidated statement of continuing ICAO policies and practices related to environmental protection – Carbon Offsetting and Reduction Scheme for International Aviation (CORSIA) LINK accessed 23/06/2022
- ICAO, Sustainable Aviation Fuels (SAF) LINK accessed 23/06/2022
- ICAO (2021) CORSIA Sustainability Criteria for CORSIA Eligible Fuels LINK accessed 23/06/2022
- ICAO (2021) CORSIA Default Life Cycle Emissions Values for CORSIA Eligible Fuels LINK accessed 23/06/2022
- European Parliament (2022) ReFuel EU Aviation initiative Sustainable aviation fuels and the fit for 55 package LINK accessed 23/06/2022
- IMO (2020) Cutting sulphur oxide emissions, LINK accessed 23/06/2022
- IMO (2020) Greenhouse Gas Emissions LINK accessed 23/06/2022
- Eurepean Parliament (2022) Sustainable maritime fuels ‘Fit for 55’ package: The Fuel EU Maritime proposal LINK accessed 23/06/2022
- IEA Bioenergy Task 39 (2022) Implementation Agendas: Compare- and-Contrast Transport Biofuels Policies (2019-2021 Update) LINK accessed 22/06/2022
12 - Biorefining
- IEA Bioenergy Task 42 (2019) Technical, Economic and Environmental Assessment of Biorefinery Concepts: Developing a practical approach for characterisation LINK accessed 18/02/2022
- IEA Bioenergy Task 42 Factsheets LINK accessed 18/02/2022
- IEA Bioenergy Task 42 (2020) Bio-Based Chemicals: A 2020 Update LINK accessed 18/02/2022
- IEA Bioenergy Task 42 (2018) Natural Fibers and Fiber-based Materials in Biorefineries Status Report 2018 LINK accessed 18/02/2022
- IEA Bioenergy Task 42 (2016) Proteins for Food, Feed and Biobased Applications: Biorefining of protein containing biomass LINK accessed 18/02/2022
- IEA Bioenergy Task 42 (2021) Sustainable Lignin Valorization LINK accessed 23/06/2022
- VDI 6310 (2016) Blatt 1 Klassifikation und Gütekriterien von Bioraffinerien LINK accessed 18/02/2022
- IEA Bioenergy Task 42 Biorefinery Fact Sheets LINK accessed 18/02/2022
- IEA Bioenergy Task 42 Factsheets LINK accessed 18/02/2022
- IEA Bioenergy Task 42 LINK accessed 18/02/2022
- Bozell JJ, Petersen (2010) GR Technology development for the production of biobased products from biorefinery carbohydrates—the US Department of Energy’s “Top 10” revisited” Green Chemistry 4 LINK accessed 23/06/2022
- Patel MK, Crank M et al. (2006) Medium and Long-term Opportunities and Risks of the Biotechnological Production of Bulk Chemicals from Renewable Resources, Utrecht University Repository LINK
- European Bioplastics, Bioplastics market data LINK accessed 18/02/2022